Join us on Saturday, January 22, 2022, for a two-person, 18-hole tournament with an 11:00 am Shotgun.
What is Cross Country Golf?
Instead of playing holes as they were meant to be played, you will play from different tee boxes to different fairways to different Greens!!!!
Flights will be based on team score.
- Entry Fee: $45.00 – Non-Members / SVGC Members – $25.00. Entry fee includes cart, green fees, lunch, and prizes.
- Prizes: Team and closest to pins.
- Deadline: Friday, January 21, 2022
- Questions: Please call Shenandoah Valley Golf Club, Director of Golf, Doug Lancaster (540) 636-4653 or (540) 636-2641.
We will be offering a Team Skins Game for $20.00 per team and is not included in entry fee.